
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Teaching Yoga by Example: Diligence

successful manner
By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed.

The word “diligence” is often used to mean persistent hard work that is focused on accomplishing a specific goal. An example of diligence is the persistent effort required to build a house or master a new skill, such as playing the piano. According to several online dictionaries, diligence is defined as the consistent effort to accomplish one’s goals, through the persistent application of one’s physical or mental abilities and skills. Another slightly different definition of diligence is the application of painstaking effort and attention to detail in pursuing one’s chosen goals or pursuits. 

This definition of diligence is very close to the term, “skillful means.” According to some teachings, it is important to fine-tune one’s skills and aptitudes, in order to accomplish specific goals and endeavors in an efficient and successful manner. Inherent in this definition of diligence is the antithesis of negligence or carelessness. To pursue your goals or dreams in a haphazard, sloppy or negligent manner is the exact opposite of diligence! 

As a Yoga instructor, negligence or sloppiness in your teaching would not serve either you or your students very well. Interestingly, the Latin word for diligence is “diligo.” Diligo essentially means to work or act with love. When I came across this translation of diligo, a light bulb went off in my mind. Of course, if love underlies all that we do, we are much more likely to pursue our goals with careful attention, patience and perseverance. All of the qualities that we associate with the term diligence are both tempered and nurtured by a loving intention. 

Additionally, by continually honing your teaching skills, you will continue to learn and grow in your own personal practice, as well as in your abilities as a Yoga teacher. With dedication, time and experience, your ability to guide your students through a full Yoga practice will become second nature to you. In terms of teaching classes that are challenging, safe and uplifting, instructing your students with love will quite naturally lead you to guiding your students through a comprehensive Yoga practice in a loving, kind, focused, and skillful way. 

If you are a newly certified Yoga teacher, remember that it takes time to fine-tune your teaching methods and to learn how to fluidly modify postures for each one of your students, when necessary. Remember to show yourself the same level of love, kindness and patience that you give to your students.  If you approach your growth and development as a Yoga teacher in diligent way, with an underlying focus on serving your students with love and skill, your students will be positively impacted by the care and attention that you take when you are teaching a class. 

On the other hand, imagine for a moment the unease you would create in your students if you arrive a few minutes late to teach a class, and then proceed to guide your students through a Yoga practice in a distracted and haphazard fashion! Alternately, the positive impact that you can have on your students by embodying the inner virtuous states, which are recommended by spiritual teachers from many different traditions, is an often-overlooked aspect of teaching Yoga. When you approach teaching a Yoga class with dedication, love and a keen eye to detail, your students will quite naturally begin to approach their own practice with the same level of diligent effort.

By continually fostering a diligent attitude during your classes, your assiduous pursuit of excellence will naturally rub off on your students. By maintaining keen attention to detail, while continually striving to teach your Yoga classes in a skillful and loving manner, you will teach your students how to pursue their own chosen goals in a diligent manner outside the context of a Yoga class. This is one of the many ways that you as a teacher, and the practice of Yoga itself, can help to transform a student’s life, both on and off the mat. 

Virginia Iversen, M.Ed, has been practicing and studying the art of Yoga for over twenty years. She lives in Woodstock, New York, where she specializes in writing customized articles that are 100% unique. She is currently accepting Yoga and health-related writing orders and may be contacted at:

© Copyright – Virginia Iversen / Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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